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Nicole Page-Smith, Melbourne, 1998, Photograph by Francine Cockerill. 

Nicole Page-Smith was born in Adelaide, Australia, in 1967. Moving to Victoria, Southeast Australia, in her early childhood, Nicole Page-Smith, matriculated from, The Geelong College, in 1984. Page-Smith furthered her studies in Melbourne, Australia, first attending Victoria University, for a university entry certificate in 1985, to then, completed a three, year, Bachelor of Arts, degree course, at RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) University, School of Art, in 1988. From 1988 to this current day, Nicole Page-Smith has exhibited regularly as a professional artist. Through, Nicole Page-Smith’s Melbourne, Australian, career success as a fashionable, contemporary, artist, the Geelong Gallery, invited Page-Smith to be included in a group exhibition called “Through Women’s Eyes”. Melbourne exhibitions included both commercial and public museum spaces. Nicole Page-Smith’s first reviewed, solo show occurred, in 1990, showing in Melbourne, Australia, with an American, Australian and New Zealand, artist stable.

"On the Street”
series of photographs, 2013
Cats, pencil drawings on paper,
24 x 32 cm,

Melbourne, also, contributed to Page-Smith’s Melbourne work with prominent exhibitions at the National Gallery of Victoria, of Rembrandt through to Louise Bourgeois. Nicole Page-Smith’s early sculpture style was very much influenced by the female American artists, Eva Hesse and Louise Bourgeois. Page-Smith sculpture is in donation of an exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia (MCA), Sydney and contribution was attributed to in the late nineties. Private collection was well established in Sydney and Melbourne for the duration of Nicole Page-Smith’s nineties, private practice, in Melbourne.

Studio Installation at Harris Smith Art

During the nineties to her departure to New Zealand, in late 2000, Nicole Page-Smith held a private artist’s studio, only to re-establish her private practice in Dunedin, New Zealand, where, Page-Smith, currently holds a gallery workshop. Success has bore fruitful reward to Nicole Page-Smith’s private scholarly practice with regular travel experience and residencies throughout Europe, in London, UK, Vienna, Austria and Frankfurt, Germany. Nicole Page-Smith has always looked widely at the history of art from Classical themes through to the current day, contemporary art. So, much rewarded, international, catalogued, exhibitions of reference have been of major influence to Page-Smith’s genre. Nicole Page-Smith is still in current practice of reward, residing in New Zealand.


Another, successful, solo, exhibition was established in 1993.  A recent acquisition show at MUMA (Monash University of Art), Melbourne, was to follow, in 1994. Other, Australian, exhibition highlights, included, exhibiting at Heide MoMA (Museum of Modern Art), Sculpture Park, in Melbourne, Australia, in 1991 and a Sydney, group show, at Ivan Dougherty Gallery, in 1993. Joy Hester and Tony Tuckson were a prominent influence of Australian art to Page-Smith with her early abstract painting and drawing style. Another artist of influence to the spiritual work of Nicole Page-Smith was the Scottish/Australian artist, Ian Fairweather. Early, art school trips and following tours, to the National Gallery of Australia, in Canberra, Australia, allowed direct access to the works of Tony Tuckson, Ian Faiweather, Arthur Boyd and European names such as Brancusi, along with the American artists, Jackson Pollock and Louise Bourgeois.

"Durer’s Self Portrait”,  Detail
Alte Pinakothek, Munich, 2013
“Still Life” Staedel Museum, Frankfurt, 2013
“Lunar Asparagus” (1935),
Max Ernst at the Staedel Museum,
Frankfurt, 2013
“Chippie”, "The Gardens”
series of photographs, 2013


Nicole Page-Smith

Phone:+64 3 479 0748

Mobile: +64 27 276 1440


Harris Smith Art Ltd.

86-88 Bond Street,

Dunedin, 9016

New Zealand

Cats, pencil drawings on paper,
24 x 32 cm, 2007—2008
Cat mummy at the British Museum, London, 2013
"Durer’s Self Portrait”,
Alte Pinakothek, Munich, 2013

Harris Smith Art

Harris Smith Art Ltd.
86-88 Bond Street,
Dunedin, 9016, New Zealand
PO Box 834,
Dunedin, 9054,
New Zealand


Phone: +64 3 479 0748
Mobile: +64 27 276 1440

Social Media

© 2022 Nicole Page-Smith
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